Your Life Science Incubator in Ghent

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Vlaanderen mag best wat ambitieuzer zijn als het aankomt op ondernemerschap. We hebben nood aan meer starters, meer blijvers en meer groeiers. Daarom wil Agentschap Innoveren & Ondernemen projecten op stapel zetten die ondernemers aanzetten tot, ondersteunen of begeleiden bij het ondernemen. Met onze partners bundelen we onze krachten en middelen. Bioscape park maakt deel uit van een netwerk van initiatieven waar u gebruik van kan maken. Ontdek ze allemaal op #sterkondernemen



The development is located in the centre of Ghent’s ‘Knowledge Centre’, adjacent to great research facilities such as the Flemish Institute for Biotechnology (VIB), Universities and successful biotech companies (Bayer, Syngenta, Ablynx, Fujirebio,…).

It is designed for companies to grow within a modular lab environment that can be customized to reflect the needs and culture of your organisation today and tomorrow.

The facility offers a variety of services such as a 100 pax conference and learning centre, a business lounge, food point, front-desk service and many other amenities to make your business successful and easy.

Located at the intersection of one of Europe’s most important highways (E17-E40), the campus is easily accessible and provides an ideal visibility for your company.


For more information please contact us.

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